Sunday, March 8, 2015

My heart.

When you love someone you can literally feel life leaving your body as they cry. You feel the world crumpling down as they wonder why they aren't good enough. It hurts my heart to see you so distraught. You are beauty and happiness all in a single vessel. I watch you as you grow, day to day, as though you were my own. The love I have for you cannot be explained. It's the kind of thing that I can't shake nor do I want to stray away. I hope that you realized that you are loved. Even when the sun and the moon and stars disappear this fact should remain here. I try to comfort you when the fear sinks in, when that unbearable feeling of being alone rocks your nightmares again. I'm sorry that there isn't more I can do. I'm sorry I can't love you like you wish they would. All I can do is hope and pray that one day God brings love your way because you deserve it. 

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