Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Real.

Two ships pass in the distance during the night.
We're like those passing ships.
Beautiful on the outside, pure chaos on the inside.

We don't always have all the answers nor can we always say all the right things.
But there's love involved or something reminiscent.

Hearing me cry out your name.
Everything falls and slips away.
Silence is my best friend.

Things seem less crazy at times and I realize just how much life is around me.
It's all so captivating but so easy to miss out on.

So I thank the stars in the sky.
Thank the seas for always waving goodbye.
Thank the breeze as it holds me tight.
And I thank the earth as I fall back upon it.

You can't always have darkness when there's a hint of light.
You can't always fight the destiny set forth before you.
Just give and let love be.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

To You Whom I.

You don't know me. 
You may have witnessed my oceans felt the vibrations from my rapid pulse.
Kissed me gently in a bookstore while shopping for records and vintage things.
You've looked into my eyes, both dead and alive.
Held my hand when it needed the embrace of another.
Caressed every inch of my body.
Became one with me.
I'm sorry I had to go.
There's just some places in life where I'll never go.
Clearly your heart isn't broke.
Clearly your soul washed away with the current.
Standing here where I am what would you do?
Up and let go?
My heart breaks when you tell me no.
Yet my soul can't let you go.
I find it hard to believe our souls haven't touched a little.
I find it hard to believe you don't love a little bit.
That you don't want to get wrapped up and carried away in good feelings.
But this is where the love ends, and the tragedy begins.
For lovers can no longer love anymore. 

And All Good Things Will Come Together Again.

What if all beautiful things went untouched, would we still find the beauty in them?

I watch from a grave distance, as life continues on.
As history repeats itself yet again.
I hang my head in such shame that even I am not able to forgive myself.
Throwing myself into the darkness as though it's an everyday thing now.

I can't find it in my heart to care for you.
I've felt this way for awhile.
I remember your face as I recoiled from you, the last time you really saw me.

It's a brave thing that I can say love will always live within me.
No matter how many piece are taken, and every now and then I find the courage to love myself.
When I look around I realize that I am okay in the darkness.
But for me the darkness is more than okay, it is where I feel most at home.

I can't afford to make mistakes with beautiful men anymore.
Letting you into my world of wonder, money, and lust.
I start to think that I do these things for my own amusement.
Life is too short for this.
I know that now.