Monday, October 26, 2015

It's Real: When the Good Fights to Triumph the Bad.

We can't all be broken they told me. 
We can't all cry the cries that belong to all the stars in the skies. 
We can't all wash away our fears with a bottle of whiskey and still try. 
We can't all make it. 

So we fake it. 
Cause everything's gonna be alright. 
What's the use in worrying on things that weren't ever meant to be. 

So let go and dance it out. 
Release the pain and the anger..the sinful thoughts that keep you at all hours of the night. 

Don't think, just do. 
Just be, just love as you can only love me. 
Forgive the "forgotten" and embrace those in front of you. 

You're not alone,
You are not alone. 

This day was meant for you to be strong. 



It brings me great joy, to see you doubt me. 
To prove you wrong every time I wake up for another day. 
It cuts deep, but not too much. 
Just enough to ensure I'll be able to make a difference. 
Whether I'm someone's world, or just their demise at least I'm something. 
I just wanted to be there, I just wanted you near. 
Here I stand, all of me, but I'm just enough for everyone else but you. 
The truth cuts deep. 
You walk away, and return. 
I love you, but I can't let it show. 
The suns a little bright, the clouds' a little whiter, and all I can do I wish you well. 
Without realizing, you became the biggest thing in my life. 
Without even thinking you became that something I tried but will never have again. 
It's hard when you've met someone whose been through the struggle, but you gotta let go..because they belong to another. 
I'll always remember you, I'll always know you....I can only hope. 
Goodbye for now....
That's all they were waiting for..
For me to let you go, maybe that's all I was waiting for.  
Because the more I can push you away, the more I'm okay. 
Sorry for the selfish ways...but I've gotta do this for my future place...for all that I want to be...for all that I need to discover that will shape me into a better me. 
The good and the bad, I'll take it all...
In hopes of being a better present me than in the past...
It's all in hopes of being better than I was today. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Inner Workings of My Soul.

When you love someone..
You embrace the person that you want to be. 
You let go of who you aren't. 
You truly start to see the world in all its colorful glory. 
Feel the warmth of all the living things the Earth fosters. 
Your mind's in harmony as your awareness strengthens. 
Your soul is taken away. 
Just to be lifted up to a higher state. Innocently feeling the wind beneath your feet and the water on your face. 
Care is no more. 
Hope and faith. 
Laughter that results in tears. 
Happiness is near. 
It's love my dear. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

To See With Closed Eyes.

As time melts away. 
As we forget what we once stood for. 
As we lose our faith. 
As we wave goodbye...
We die inside. 
We realize that time was never ours but it was simply borrowed. 
That today is never truly forgotten. 
That someone, somewhere always holds on to a piece in their heart. 
You'll figure it out. 
You'll reach the finish line. 
You'll love again. 
You'll learn and break again. 
You'll see the world and watch it crumble when the skies go to night baby. 
Build me up, and break me down. 
But never catch me when I fall. 
Let me lose myself so I can be found. 
Let me lose myself even though I may hit the ground. 
Let me lose myself. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Like a Breath of Fresh Air.

If he was the sun she was the atmosphere, ever engulfing and all loving.
She embraced his every woe, tending to needs she'll never ever know. 

She watched upon the world, passing along shooting stars to those who needed hope, needed something to shine light in dark places. 

They'll never know where her love could have taken them. 

Won't even know half its capacity, but that's okay though. 

Because each and every day she sees the Sun she holds onto those moments, knowing that night will come her way. 

Always needing shooting stars to ease the pain.

Always needing someone in her graces, to catch as she falls. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I've Got A Friend In You.

I'm never alone when I have you. 
Our friendship is one for the books. 
In ancient times, down for the record. 
You and I. 
We are separated by distance and time.
But every time we pick up where we left off and that's what I love most.
I learned that it's not easy having people in your life for the long haul. 
I learned that the things in life that are often time not easy, are the things we need the most. 
Maybe those things aren't easy. 
But maybe just maybe life isn't easy. 
But I've got my friends. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Pain and Remorse.

It's what keeps me in the bathtub, singing those sad songs.
Drowning my issues.
Bringing my existence to the surface.
Walking around with this pain that everyone never seems to notice.
Challenge yourself, ask me if I'm happy, ask me if I love this life I'm leading.
I say to you that I'm hurt, but you hear nothing.
I say I love you, but no words come out.
I always made life easier for you.
Here I am left behind in a world of stress and complication.
It's like I'm waiting for someone that never planned to be apart of my misery in the first place.
Some may think I'm crazy for this, but I don't care.
I truly think that it's all quite simple.
You needed an excuse to no longer be there.
I gave you what you wanted in a way.
I pushed you away.
I'm the insane crazy girl you'll never want again.

Friday, October 2, 2015

To Say Goodbye to A New Old Friend.

It's over, it's over. 
And I can't say it's the same. 
I can't say I'm going insane. 
I'm at peace. 
My heart doesn't appreciate being put in second place. 
I loved you, and I still do but something had to give. 
Your mind isn't right and I can't comprehend you. 
I'm taking the out you gave me, because that's what God would want me to do. 
How can I ever move forward if I'm stuck with you? 
Not to say that you were the worse but you were never good for me. 
Thanks for all the good times, the unmentionables. 
Goodbye dear.