Sunday, December 6, 2015

She's why I do it.

She had my heart.
I loved her. 
It stopped at nothing. 
I would often lost myself in her.  
Her sweet touch gave me everything I was missing in the world.
The thought.
The realness.
I could never get through this alone.
They wonder what my inspiration is, who is my muse, why I keep doing this.
It's all for her and this throne.
She put me on, I got her off.
I often times left her for my art, my soul, my music.
She asked me if I would always be a writer, write until the day I die.
I let her know it's something I can't control, it must come out.
She understood that money, fame, and fortune wasn't the goal.
That even if we took over the world it was always for this art.
It gave my soul much purpose, and to her that was everything.
It's not easy explaining your gift to another soul.
It doesn't always make sense to even try.
But when you want them to get a sense of you, you have to be true to them. 
Follow your dreams that are hopefully your goals and make a life for yourself. 

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